Autonomous non-profit organization of supplementary education "Armenian Cultural and Educational Centre named after Hovhannes Tumanyan"

In 2020, the Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization of Supplementary Education “Armenian Cultural and Educational Centre named after Hovhannes Tumanyan” (ANO SE “ACEC named after Hovhannes Tumanyan”) was registered, the main purpose of which is educational activities for the implementation of additional educational programs for children and adults - supplementary general education programs (additional general developmental programs, additional pre-professional programs) in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation".

The subject of the Organization's statutory activities is the receipt of additional education by students aimed at the formation and development of the creative skills of children and adults, the satisfaction of their individual needs for intellectual, moral and physical improvement, the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle, civic education, hard work, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the surrounding nature, family, as well as respect for the history, traditions and culture of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Armenia.

Бабаджанян Нелли Марселовна
Бабаджанян Нелли Марселовна
8 800 250-03-30
+7 (918) 250-03-30
8 (861) 299-67-41
350912, Krasnodar, st. them. Evdokia Bershanskaya, 416/2
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