Autonomy Council
Artem Sergeevich Minosyan
Chairman Автономии
Катанян Карине Сергеевна
Заместитель председателя Совета по вопросам образования
Maryanyan Vladimir Alexandrovich
Vice-Chairman of the Council for Interaction with State Authorities and Local Self-Government
Тулумджян Ардаваст Левонович
Vice-Chairman of the Council for External Relations
Дноян Алекс Тельманович
Vice-Chairman of the Council for Culture
Arutyunov Eduard Yurievich
Vice-Chairman of the Council for Interaction with Mass Media
To get an advice you can contact one of the following ways
8 800 250-03-30
+7 (918) 250-03-30
8 (861) 299-67-41
Почтовый адрес
350912, Krasnodar, st. them. Evdokia Bershanskaya, 416/2
Armenian Charitable Association