Krasnodar Regional Public Organization for Social Support of Citizens "Armenian Charitable Society"

The first Armenian public organisation in Caucasus was the Armenian charitable association in Tiflis, which had a network of branches. The Articles of Association was established on June 6, 1881 b y the acting governor of the Caucasus, adjutant general duke Melikov in Tiflis.  The goal of the society was “to assist in spreading enlightment among the Armenians in the Caucasian and Trans...

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Артем Сергеевич Миносян
Tumanyan Sirush Senikovna
Tumanyan Sirush Senikovna
8 800 250-03-30
+7 (918) 250-03-30
8 (861) 299-67-41
350912, Krasnodar, st. them. Evdokia Bershanskaya, 416/2
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